March 26, 2014


The term Bhakti comes from the root 'Bhaj', which means 'to be attached to God'. Bhajan, worship, Bhakti, Anurag, Prem, Priti are synonymous terms. Bhakti is love for love's sake. The devotee wants God and God alone. There is no selfish expectation here. There is no fear also. Therefore it is called 'Parama Prem Rupa'. The devotee feels, believes, conceives and imagines that his Ishtam (tutelary deity) is an Ocean of Love or Prem.
Bhakti is the slender thread of Prem or love that binds the heart of a devotee with the lotus feet of the Lord. Bhakti is intense devotion and supreme attachment to God. Bhakti is supreme love for God. It is the spontaneous out-pouring of Prem towards the Beloved. It is pure, unselfish, divine love or Suddha Prem. There is not a bit of bargaining or expectation of anything here. This higher feeling is indescribable in words. It has to be sincerely experienced by the devotee. Bhakti is a sacred, higher emotion with sublime sentiments that unites the devotees with the Lord.
Mark how love develops. First arises faith. Then follows attraction and after that adoration. Adoration leads to suppression of mundane desires. The result is single-mindedness and satisfaction. Then grow attachment and supreme love towards God.
In this type of highest Bhakti all attraction and attachment which one has for objects of enjoyment are transferred to the only dearest object, viz., God. This leads the devotee to an eternal union with his Beloved and culminates in oneness.


Bhakti is of various kinds. One classification is Sakamya and Nishkamya Bhakti. Sakamya Bhakti is devotion with desire for material gains. A man wants wealth with this motive practices Bhakti. Another man wants freedom from diseases and therefore does Japa and offers prayers. A third one wants to become a Minister and does Upasana with this aim. This is Sakamya Bhakti. Whatever you want the Lord will certainly give you, if your Bhakti is intense and if your prayers are sincerely offered from the bottom of your heart. But you will not get supreme satisfaction, immortality and Moksha through Sakamya Bhakti.
Your Bhakti should always be Nishkamya Bhakti. God has already given you a good position, a good job, wife and children and enough wealth. Be contented with these. Aspire for Nishkamya Bhakti. Your heart will be purified and the Divine Grace will descend upon you. Be in communion with the Lord, you will become one with the Lord and you will enjoy all the Divine Aisvaryas (Divine attributes like wisdom, renunciation, power, etc.). All the Vibhutis (Special forms in which the Lord manifests) of the Lord He will give you. He will give you Darsan. He will help you to dwell in Him. At the same time He will give you all the Divine Aisvaryas also.
Another classification of Bhakti is Apara-Bhakti and Para-Bhakti. Apara-Bhakti is for beginners in Yoga. The beginner decorates an image with flowers and garlands, rings the bell, offers Naivedya (food-offerings), wave lights; he observes rituals and ceremonies. The Bhakta here regards the Lord as a Supreme Person, who is immanent in that image and who can be propitiated through that form only.
He has no expanded heart. He is a sectarian. He dislikes other kinds of Bhaktas who worship other Devatas. Gradually, from Apara-Bhakti, the devotee goes to Para-Bhakti, the highest form of Bhakti. He sees the Lord and Lord alone everywhere and feels His Power manifest as the entire universe. "Thou art all-pervading; on what Simhasana shall I seat Thee ? Thou art the Supreme Light, in whose borrowed light the sun, the moon, the stars and the fire shine; shall I wave this little Deepa or light before You ?" - thus the devotee recognizes the transcendental nature of God. Para-Bhakti and Jnana are one. But every Bhakta will have to start from Apara-Bhakti. Before you take your food, offer it to God mentally; and the food will be purified. When you pass through a garden of flowers, mentally offer all the flowers to the Lord in Archana (offering flowers in worship). When you pass through the bazaar and see a sweetmeat shop, offer all the sweetmeats as Naivedya to the Lord. Such practices will lead to Para-Bhakti.
Bhakti is also classified into Gauna-Bhakti and Mukhya-Bhakti. Gauna-Bhakti is the lower Bhakti and Mukhya-Bhakti is the higher type of Bhakti.
Go from stage to stage. Just as a flower grows in the garden, so also gradually develop love or Prem in the garden of your heart.
The enemy of devotion is egoism and desire. Where there is no Kama or desire, there alone will Rama (the Lord) manifest Himself. The enemies of peace and devotion are lust, anger and greed. Anger destroys your peace and your health also. When a man abuses you, keep peaceful. When blood begins to boil, it is impoverished. You lose vitality if you become a prey to fits of temper.


It would be a gross mistake if you consider Bhakti as merely a stage of emotionalism, while it is actually a thorough discipline and training of one's will and the mind, a sure means to intuitive realization of God Almighty through intense love and affection for Him. It is a means to thorough apprehension of the true knowledge of Reality, beginning from the ordinary form of idol worship right upto the highest form of cosmic realisation of your oneness with Him. You can achieve this by following the eleven fundamental factors which Sri Ramanuja had prescribed. They are Abhyasa or practice of continuous thinking of God; Viveka or discrimination; Vimoka or freedom from everything else and longing for God; Satyam or truthfulness; Arjavam or straightforwardness; Kriya or doing good to others; Kalyana or wishing well-being to all; Daya or compassion; Ahimsa or non-injury; Dana or charity; and Anavasada or cheerfulness and optimism.
People put a question: "How can we love God whom we have not seen ?"
Live in the company of saints. Hear the Lilas of God. Study the sacred scriptures. Worship Him first in His several forms as manifested in the world. Worship any image or picture of the Lord or the Guru. Recite His Name. Sing His glories. Stay for one year in Ayodhya or Brindavan, Chirakut or Pandhapur, Benares or Ananda Kutir. You will develop love for God.
Every act must be done that awakens the emotion of Bhakti. Keep the Puja(worship) room clean. Decorate the room. Burn incense. Light a lamp. Keep a clean seat. Bathe. Wear clean clothes. Apply Vibhuti (sacred ash) or Bhasma, and Kumkum on the forehead. Wear Rudraksha or Tulasi Mala. All these produce a benign influence on the mind and elevate the mind. They generate piety. They help to create the necessary Bhava or feeling to invoke the Deity that you want to worship. The mind will be easily concentrated.
Practice of right conduct, Satsanga, Japa, Smarana, Kirtan, prayer, worship, service of saints, residence in places of pilgrimage, service of the poor and the sick with divine Bhava, observance of Varnashrama duties, offering of all actions and their fruits to the Lord, feeling the presence of the Lord in all beings, prostrations before the image and saints, renunciation of earthly enjoyments and wealth, charity, austerities and vows, practice of Ahimsa, Satyam and Brahmacharya - all these will help you to develop Bhakti.


When the devotee grows in devotion there is absolute self-forgetfulness. This is called Bhava. Bhava establishes a true relationship between the devotee and the Lord. Bhava then grows into Maha-Bhava wherein the devotee lives, moves and has his being in the Lord. This is Parama-Prema, the consummation of love or Supreme Love.
There are five kinds of Bhava in Bhakti. They are Shanta, Dasya, Sakhya, Vatsalya and Madhurya Bhavas. These Bhavas or feelings are natural to human beings and so these are easy to practice. Practice whichever Bhava suits your temperament.
In Shanta Bhava, the devotee is Shanta or peaceful. He does not jump and dance. He is not highly emotional. His heart is filled with love and joy. Bhishma was a Shanta Bhakta.
Sri Hanuman was a Dasya Bhakta. He had Dasya Bhava, servant attitude. He served Lord Rama whole-heartedly. He pleased his Master in all possible ways. He found joy and bliss in the service of his Master.
In Sakhya Bhava, God is a friend of the devotee. Arjuna had this Bhava towards Lord Krishna. The devotee moves with the Lord on equal terms. Arjuna and Krishna used to sit, eat, talk and walk together as intimate friends.
In Vatsalya Bhava, the devotee looks upon God as his child. Yasoda had this Bhava with Lord Krishna. There is no fear in this Bhava, because God is your pet child. The devotee serves, feeds, and looks upon God as a mother does in the case of her child.
The last is Madhurya Bhava or Kanta Bhava. This is the highest form of Bhakti. The devotee regards the Lord as his Lover. This was the relation between Radha and Krishna. This is Atma-Samarpana. The lover and the beloved become one. The devotee and God feel one with each other and still maintain a separateness in order to enjoy the bliss of the play of love between them. This is oneness in separation and separation in oneness. Lord Gauranga, Jayadeva, Mira and Andal had this Bhava.
A Caution: Madhurya Bhava is absolutely different from conjugality of earthly experience. One should not be mistaken for the other. Earthly conjugality is purely selfish and is undertaken only because it gives pleasure to one's own self. But in love for God it is because it gives pleasure to God and not for the sake of the devotee. Divine love is not selfish. It is born of sattva. But earthly lust is born of rajas and attachment to bodies. Earthly conjugality is the outcome of egoisitc self-regarding egoistic feeling, while divine communion is the outcome of other-regarding feeling devoid of egoism. Strong selfishness is the root of worldly passion; divine love is the product of loss of egoism. This is the greatest difference between lust (kama) and divine love (prema). The two are related as darkness is related to light. No development of earthly affection, however perfect it may be, can lead one to supreme joy of divine communion. Lust lurks in the heart due to the passion that burns in the core of things. Divine love is unknown to the man of the world, however religious he may be. The secret of divine love cannot be understood, and should not be tried to be understood, so long as man is only a man and woman only a woman. The austere transformation of the human into the divine is the beginning of true love for God.


Devotion to God is developed in nine different ways. It is supreme attacment to God through a Bhava predominant in the devotee. Intense love is the common factor in all the nine modes. Exclusive love for God is expressed through various methods. All Bhaktas of this type are above the formalities of the world. They are untouched by the laws of human Dharma and are out and out concerned with God.
Good conduct which is in accordance with perfect moral law is an auxiliary to pure Bhakti and it follows the true Bhakta wherever he goes. One cannot develop true devotion to God if he is crooked in his heart, if he has got objects of love in this world, if he is tempted by charming worldly things, if he wishes to take care of his wife, children and relatives, if he wishes to feed his body well, if he wishes to earn a great name in the world, if he wants to establish a permanent fame on earth, if he does not like to part with the alluring contents of the world. Perfect detachment from all objects is a preliminary to real devotion. Vairagya is the product of real love for God. One who has love for the world cannot have love for God. Where there is Kama, there cannot be Rama and where there is Rama there cannot be Kama. Love for the world and love for God are diametrically opposite things. One has to be renounced for the attainment of the other. This renunciation can be acquired through the nine forms of Bhakti.
In the Srimad-Bhagavata and the Vishnu Purana it is told that the nine forms of Bhakti are
  1. Sravana (hearing of God's Lilas and stories),
  2. Kirtana (singing of His glories),
  3. Smarana (remembrance of His name and presence),
  4. Padasevana (service of His feet),
  5. Archana (worship of God),
  6. Vandana (prostration to Lord),
  7. Dasya (cultivating the Bhava of a servant with God),
  8. Sakhya (cultivation of the friend-Bhava) and
  9. Atmanivedana (complete surrender of the self).
A devotee can practice any method of Bhakti which suits him best. Through that he will attain Divine illumination.
Sravana is hearing of Lord's Lilas. Sravana includes hearing of God's virtues, glories, sports and stories connected with His divine Name and Form. The devotee gets absorbed in the hearing of Divine stories and his mind merges in the thought of divinity; it cannot think of undivine things. The mind loses, as it were, its charm for the world. The devotee remembers God only even in dream.
The devotee should sit before a learned teacher who is a great saint and hear Divine stories. He should hear them with a sincere heart devoid of the sense of criticism or fault-finding. The devotee should try his best to live in the ideals preached in the scriptures.
One cannot attain Sravana-Bhakti without the company of saints or wise men. Mere reading for oneself is not of much use. Doubts will crop up. They cannot be solved by oneself easily. An experienced man is necessary to instruct the devotee in the right path.
King Parikshit attained Liberation through Sravana. He heard the glories of God from Suka Maharishi. His heart was purified. He attained the Abode of Lord Vishnu in Vaikuntha. He became liberated and enjoyed the Supreme Bliss.
Kirtana is singing of Lord's glories. The devotee is thrilled with Divine Emotion. He loses himself in the love of God. He gets horripilation in the body due to extreme love for God. He weeps in the middle when thinking of the glory of God. His voice becomes choked, and he flies into a state of Divine Bhava. The devotee is ever engaged in Japa of the Lord's Name and in describing His glories to one and all. Wherever he goes he begins to sing and praise God. He requests all to join his Kirtana. He sings and dances in ecstasy. He makes others also dance.
Smarana is remembrance of the Lord at all times. This is unbroken memory of the Name and Form of the Lord. The mind does not think of any object of the world, but is ever engrossed in thinking of the glorious Lord alone. The mind meditates on what is heard about the glories of God and His virtues, Names, etc., and forgets even the body and contents itself in the remembrance of God, just as Dhruva or Prahlada did. Even Japa is only remembrance of God and comes under this category of Bhakti. Remembrance also includes hearing of stories pertaining to God at all times, talking of God, teaching to others what pertains to God, meditation on the attributes of God, etc. Remembrance has no particular time. God is to be remembered at all times without break, so long as one has got his consciousness intact.
Padasevana is serving the Lord's Feet. Actually this can be done only by Lakshmi or Parvati. No mortal being has got the fortune to practice this method of Bhakti, for the Lord is not visible to the physical eyes. But it is possible to serve the image of God in idols and better still, taking the whole humanity as God. This is Padasevana. Padasevana is service of the sick. Padasevana is service of the whole humanity at large. The whole universe is only Virat-Swarupa. Service of the world is service of the Lord.
Archana is worship of the Lord. Worship can be done either through an image or a picture or even a mental form. The image should be one appealing to the mind of the worshipper.
Worship can be done either with external materials or merely through an internal Bhava or strong feeling. The latter one is an advanced form of worship which only men of purified intellect can do. The purpose of worship is to please the Lord, to purify the heart through surrender of the ego and love of God.
Vandana is prayer and prostration. Humble prostration touching the earth with the eight limbs of the body (Sashtanga-Namaskara), with faith and reverence, before a form of God, or prostration to all beings knowing them to be the forms of the One God, and getting absorbed in the Divine Love of the Lord is termed prostration to God or Vandana.
The ego or Ahamkara is effaced out completely through devout prayer and prostration to God. Divine grace descends upon the devotee and man becomes God.
Dasya Bhakti is the love of God through servant-sentiment. To serve God and carry out His wishes, realizing His virtues, nature, mystery and glory, considering oneself as a slave of God, the Supreme Master, is Dasya Bhakti.
Serving and worshipping the Murtis in temples, sweeping the temple premises, meditating on God and mentally serving Him like a slave, serving the saints and the sages, serving the devotees of God, serving poor and sick people who are forms of God, is also included in Dasya-Bhakti.
To follow the words of the scriptures, to act according to the injunctions of the Vedas, considering them to be direct words of God, is Dasya Bhakti. Association with and service of love-intoxicated devotees and service of those who have knowledge of God is Dasya Bhakti. The purpose behind Dasya Bhakti is to be ever with God in order to offer service to Him and win His Divine Grace and attain thereby immortality.
Sakhya-Bhava is the cultivation of the friend-sentiment with God. The inmates of the family of Nandagopa cultivated this Bhakti. Arjuna cultivated this kind of Bhakti towards Lord Krishna.
To be always with the Lord, to treat Him as one's own dear relative or a friend belonging to one's own family, to be in His company at all times, to love Him as one's own self, is Sakhya-Bhava of Bhakti-Marga. How do friends, real friends, love in this world ? What an amount of love they possess between one another ? Such a love is developed towards God instead of towards man; physical love turned into spiritual love. There is a transformation of the mundane into the Eternal.
Atma-Nivedana is self-surrender. The devotee offers everything to God, including his body, mind and soul. He keeps nothing for himself. He loses even his own self. He has no personal and independent existence. He has given up his self for God. He has become part and parcel of God. God takes care of him and God treats him as Himself. Grief and sorrow, pleasure and pain, the devotee treats as gifts sent by God and does not attach himself to them. He considers himself as a puppet of God and an instrument in the hands of God.
This self-surrender is Absolute Love for God exclusively. There is nothing but God-consciousness in the devotee. Even against his own wishes, the devotee shall become one with God and lose his individuality. This is the law of being. The highest truth is Absoluteness and the soul rises above through different states of consciousness until it attains Absolute Perfection when it becomes identical with God. This is the culmination of all aspiration and love.
The nine modes of Bhakti are the ways in which a devotee attains the Supreme Ideal of life. A devotee can take up any of these paths and reach the highest state. The path of Bhakti is the easiest of all and is not very much against the nature of human inclinations. It slowly and gradually takes the individual to the Supreme without frustrating his human instincts. It is not direct assertion of God, but a progressive realization of Him


Bhakti softens the heart and removes jealousy, hatred, lust, anger, egoism, pride and arrogance. It infuses joy, divine ecstasy, bliss, peace and knowledge. All cares, worries and anxieties, fears, mental torments and tribulations entirely vanish. The devotee is freed from the Samsaric wheel of births and deaths. He attains the immortal abode of everlasting peace, bliss and knowledge.
The fruits of Bhakti is Jnana. Jnana intensifies Bhakti. Even Jnanis like Sankara, Madhusudana and Suka Dev took to Bhakti after Realization to enjoy the sweetness of loving relationship with God.
Knowledge or wisdom will dawn by itself when you practice Bhakti Yoga. Bhakti is the pleasant, smooth, direct road to God. Bhakti is sweet in the beginning, sweet in the middle and sweet in the end. It gives the highest, undecaying bliss.
Kindle love divine in thy heart, for this is the immediate way to the Kingdom of God.
Pray to the Lord. Sing His glory. Recite His Name. Become a channel of His grace.
Seek His will. Do His will. Surrender to His will. You will become one with the cosmic will.
Surrender unto the Lord. He will become your charioteer on the field of life. He will drive your chariot well. You will reach the destination, the Abode of Immortal Bliss.


Bhakti softens the heart and removes jealousy, hatred, lust, anger, egoism, pride and arrogance. It infuses joy, divine ecstasy, bliss, peace and knowledge. All cares, worries and anxieties, fears, mental torments and tribulations entirely vanish. The devotee is freed from the Samsaric wheel of births and deaths. He attains the immortal abode of everlasting peace, bliss and knowledge.
The fruits of Bhakti is Jnana. Jnana intensifies Bhakti. Even Jnanis like Sankara, Madhusudana and Suka Dev took to Bhakti after Realization to enjoy the sweetness of loving relationship with God.
Knowledge or wisdom will dawn by itself when you practice Bhakti Yoga. Bhakti is the pleasant, smooth, direct road to God. Bhakti is sweet in the beginning, sweet in the middle and sweet in the end. It gives the highest, undecaying bliss.
Kindle love divine in thy heart, for this is the immediate way to the Kingdom of God.
Pray to the Lord. Sing His glory. Recite His Name. Become a channel of His grace.
Seek His will. Do His will. Surrender to His will. You will become one with the cosmic will.
Surrender unto the Lord. He will become your charioteer on the field of life. He will drive your chariot well. You will reach the destination, the Abode of Immortal Bliss.


  2. Note :
  3. * This fast is done to fulfill all desires
    * Consume food only once during the daytime before sunset.
    * Oily and salty food is prohibited

  4. Story related to this vrat:
  5. Once there was an old devoted god fearing lady who was poor and therefore could not afford to buy a cow for herself. She would go to her neighbours house to collect cowdung for performing puja early in the mornings, only after puja she had her meals.She was happy in her own little world.
    After sometime her neighbour decided to lock the cow inside her house with the aim of denying the old lady the opportunity to collect cowdung from her place. The lady, unable to get the cowdung, could not perform the puja that day and remained fasting the whole day. God was observing the whole episode, he came in the old lady's dreams that night and told her that he appreciated her devotion towards God and therefore He was presenting her a Cow. The lady woke up to find a cow standing in her courtyard.
    Before the lady had woken up, her neighbour had seen the cow and was surprised to see that instead of cowdung, the cow was excreting gold. Out of jealousy, she picked up the gold and substituted it with cowdung. This went on for sometime and the poor old lady never knew that her cow was excreting gold. The God observed it for sometime and decided that he needed to help the devotee. One evening he created a storm, seeing this the old lady locked her cow inside her house. When she woke up, she was surprised to see the gold and realised what her neighbour was upto. Thereafter she made it a practice to lock the cow inside and collect the gold, with time she began to prosper. This made her neighbour more jealous, she went to the King and narrated the story and requested the King to get the cow and use the gold for providing amenities to the general public. The King ordered that the cow be brought to the palace. The old lady protested and cried but the guards brought the cow to the palace.
    When it was morning, instead of gold, the entire palace was full of cowdung. The God came in the King's dreams and asked him to return the cow to it's rightful owner. The King realised his mistake and promptly sent the cow back to the lady and punished the neighbour.The old lady began to prosper and her family lived happily ever after.
    The King ordered that on Sundays, all should worship and keep fast for a peaceful and contented life.


  2. Note:
  3. * We worship The God Shani this day
    * Among the things offered to the Lord are Black Til (sesame oil), Black clothes,Oil, Urad( black gram whole)
    * One should have meals only once in the evening after the puja is over
    * Food cooked should be without salt
  4. Once there was an argument between the nine planets Sun (Sunday), Moon(Monday), Mars(Tuesday) ,Mercury (Wednesday), Jupiter(Thursday), Venus(Friday), Saturn(Saturday), Rahu and Ketu that who occupied the highest place amongst them. Lord Indra did not know how to answer this question so he asked them to approach King Vikramaditya on Earth .All of them approached the King with this query; he too fell in a dilemma for it meant pleasing one God and antagonising others.
    He came up with a solution - he ordered that thrones of all three elements (gold,silver,bronze, copper, glass, iron etc) be made and they be put in the order that gold is in front and iron throne is kept last. Then he requested the Gods to occupy them. He said that the throne that is in front would occupy the highest place among them. Since iron was at the end and it was the throne occupied by Lord Shani, the Lord Shani understood that the King had chosen him to be the weakest.
    This angered Lord Shani, he told the king that the sun sign stays for 1 month, moon stays for 2 ¼ days, Mars 1 ½ month, Jupiter 13 month, Mercury and Venus 1 month each, while Rahu and Ketu move in opposite directions and stay for 18 months on one Rashi ; while He stays for 30 months. He warned the King of adverse circumstances.
    Time went by, then came the period of Sare Saathi ( a period of 7 ½ years) of King Vikramaditya . Lord Shani in disguise of a horse seller arrived at his palace and the King chose to buy a beautiful horse. No sooner did he sit on it' back, he ran far away into the forests and disappeared. The King wandered in the forests. Finally he reached a town and sat outside a traders shop.The King had kept his name as Vika to hide his identity. The business was dull those days, but fortunately that day, the trader did a roaring business. Considering that this man had brought him luck, he took him to his house to feed him. Unfortunately, while he was in their house, an expensive necklace disappeared and he was arrested and brought to the King's court who ordered that all his four limbs be severed from the body.
    The King wandered aimlessly until an oil seller picked him up and carried him to his home where he earned his living by pulling a bullock cart with his teeth. After the Shani period of the King ended, he was one day singing aloud the Malhar raga. The royal princess was so impressed on hearing this melodious song that she decided she would marry the singer alone and none else. Her parents tried to reason with her but she was adamant and went on a fast. Finally her parents had to get her married to Vika(the King Vikramaditya). That very night when the couple was sleeping in the palace, Lord Shani came in Vika's dreams and told him that his present state was because he had pronounced Lord Shani to be the weakest among the planets. King Vikramaditya begged mercy and the God pardoned him , he became normal and his limbs were restored. The King told the Lord Shani that he has suffered a lot and pleaded with him that henceforth he should not give so much misery to anyone. Lord Shani agreed and proclaimed that whosoever listens and narrates his stories will be immune from all evils related to Shani sign. Those who will worship him daily and feed the ants with flour will have all their desires fulfilled.
    Meanwhile the trader whose necklace was lost came to know the facts and rushed to the King Vikramaditya and fell on his feet. He invited him for meals at his place. While the King was having meals at his house a miracle occurred and the lost necklace reappeared. The trader was very pleased and he married off his daughter to the King .
    Thereafter after resting for sometime, King Vikramaditya returned to his native town Ujjain with both his wifes, a lot of dowry, valuables and maids, much to the delight of the local citizens whose happiness knew no bounds.
    Next day the King ordered that no one will ever undervalue the strength of Lord Shani because he was the Supreme among the planets. As a ritual the King started to worship the Lord on Saturdays and kept vrat , offered oil, black Urad(Black gram whole dal), black clothes and copper.
    Those who worship Lord Shani on Saturdays and observe vrat will have all their sorrows driven away and will lead a happy life.
  5. How to safeguard against the evils linked to Shani rashi?
    Those born with Shani signs should apply oil themselves and donate oil to Brahmans on Saturdays. The worship includes first praying before an iron image of Shani kept in an iron utensil, then black flowers, 2 black clothes ,kasar (prasadam), til(sesame seeds) and cooker rice are used for worshipping. A black blanket, sesame seeds oil and some donation is offered to a Brahman. Thereafter recite the following verse:
    " Sha No Dewarmishtaya Aapo Bhavantu Pitaye
    Sha Yorbhi Stravantu namah."
    In order to make himself immune to the evils related to Shani sign, one should perform this worship and observe vrat on each Saturday for 1 year.
    On each Saturday one should also worship the Peepul tree, tie a cotton thread round it's bark seven times while chanting " Shani Devta Ki Jai". Worship the God using Dhoop, and sweets, wear an iron ring.

  6. The Lord Hanuman is also worshipped on Saturdays because desciples of Lord Hanuman are never influenced by the Shani sign. The story is that Ravana had held Lord Shani and Mahakal captive and it was Lord Hanuman who freed them from his captivity during the burning of Lanka. Feeling obliged, Lord Shani had promised Hauman that he would not trouble those who worship Lord Hanuman.


  2. Note:
  3. * We worship Lord Vishnu this day
    * Eat food only once , the food should include Bengal gram(chana dal) and no salt
    * The yellow colour is significant - wear yellow clothes, offer yellow flowers.
    * Banana is worshipped on this day.

  4. Story related to this vrat:
  5. Once there was a very benevolent god fearing King who was known for his generosity , no one ever returned empty handed from his court. He used to worship and perform vrat on Thursdays. His wife however, was just his opposite and used to resent his giving donations and performing pujas and vrats.
    Once the King left for the forests for hunting leaving behind his Queen with her maids.
    Lord Vishnu, in disguise of a Monk (Sadhu) approached the queen and asked for alms( donation , bhiksha). The Queen , true to her character told Him that she was fed up of all the wealth she possessed as this was not giving her happiness, and wished that the wealth be taken away from her. The Lord was surprised because it is believed that children and money bring happiness and everyone aspires to have them. He advised her that if she possessed surplus wealth , she should utilize it to feed the poor, donate to Brahmins, construct wells and Dharamshalas( resting places for monks and devoted people), develop gardens etc. However the Queen would have none of it and was adamant that her wish be fulfilled. The Monk finally told her that Lord would fulfill her desires -- to make her wish come true, she should cover the house with cowdung, wash her hair, ask the King to shave, eat and drink etc. for seven Thursdays.
    The Queen followed his instructions and after three Thursdays only all her wealth was finished and she was left to lead a life of penury, hunger and misery. The King too decided to leave the town in search for some work. He took up the job of a woodcutter and could barely manage two meals.
    In dire straits, the maids advised the Queen to approach her wealthy sister for help. A maid was sent to the sister but she could not meet her as she was busy listening to the story of Thursday vrat . The sister did not want to get interrupted and therefore did not acknowledge her presence. However she visited the Queen later and seeing her condition advised her to perform the Thursday vrat and worship the Lord .
    When Thursday came, the Queen somehow managed to arrange for the puja and offerings and prayed to Lord Vishnu. This went on for some weeks and finally the God bestowed all her wealth once again. Having fulfilled her desires for wealth, the Queen started to feel lazy in performing vrats on Thursdays but her maids cautioned her that she should not forget that the Lord was gracious in returning her wealth and she should ever remain grateful to Him.
    The Queen realised her mistake and made it a ritual to perform vrats on Thursadays.


  2. Note:
  3. * This fast is kept for peace, tranquility and to fulfill all dreams.
    * Lord Shanker is worshipped on this day
    * Have meals only once
    * The green colour is significant on this day. One should therefore wear green clothes and eat green vegetables etc.
    * One should leave the puja only after the arati is over and after taking prasadam
    * Do not leave the puja midway.

  4. Story related to this vrat :
  5. The story goes that there was once a couple who led a happy life. Once the wife had gone to her parents place , after a few days stay her husband came to take her back. His in-laws insisted that the day being Wednesday, it was inauspicious for them to travel. However the husband was adamant and proceeded back home along with his wife.
    On the way the wife felt thirsty and requested him to fetch some water. When her husband returned , he was astonished to see a man seated beside his wife, that man was an exact replica of him in appearance and clothing. On inquiring who he was, the man replied that he was the lady's husband. This angered the husband and led to heated arguments. Seeing this, the royal troops came and started to arrest the husband. Finding no respite , the husband started to pray to the Lord to guide them through this crisis. There was then an announcement in the skies that being wednesday the husband should not have brought his wife back as it was inauspicious to travel on this day. He realised his mistake and requested the Lord to pardon him. Thereafter the Lord presented himself before him and killed the other man who wrongly claimed to be the lady's husband.
    The couple returned safely back home and made it a routine to worship and keep vrat on Wednesdays.
    It is said that keeping fasts on Wednesdays provide protection against evils related to travelling on Wednesdays.


  2. Note:
  3. * This fast is done to remove all obstacles
    * Fast till evening and have meals only at night.
    * Food should include white coloured food like rice pudding (kheer) or milk.
  4.  Story related to this vrat:
  5. Once upon a time there were three friends each belonging to different castes - Kayastha, Brahmin and Vaishya. They were married, however the Vaishya had not brought her wife home after wedlock. On the suggestion of his friends, the Vaishya one day decided to go and fetch his wife from his in-laws home. The Brahmin friend cautioned him that at this time the Friday was setting, this was not an auspicious period; he better wait and fetch her at the rise of Friday. However the boy was adamant and did not pay heed to the advice of friends and relatives and set forth.
    On seeing their son-in-law, the girl's parents were surprised, they tried to reason with him that it was inauspicious to leave during that period. The Vaish boy took his wife along and set for his journey back home. On the way he met with a few mishaps - firstly the wheel of his chariot broke injuring his wife, then the dacoits waylaid him and deprived him of all the valuables and cash. Moreover a short distance away from home, a poisonous snake bit him and he became unconscious.
    The wife was deeply grieved when she was informed that her husband would live for three days only. When the Brahmin friend came to know about the state of his Vaishya friend, he realised that this was all because of his friend's insistence to fetch his wife back during the inauspicious period. He sent the couple back to the in-laws house. No sooner had the couple reached the house the boy came back to his senses. Having realised their mistake, when the period was the rise of Friday, the couple were sent back home. Thereafter they enjoyed a happy and prosperous life.
  6. There was once a Brahmin couple who used to remain depressed all the time for they had no children. They longed for a child and therefore worshipped Lord Hanuman and his wife kept a vrat on Tuesdays.
    Once the Brahmin went to the forests to worship Lord Hanuman leaving his wife behind. Once it so happened that for some reason she could not worship Lord Hanuman and therefore decided not to have meals. She fasted for 6 days following which she collapsed. The Lord , appreciating the sincerity in her devotion , presented himself before her and blessed her with a son.
    When the Brahmin returned, he saw a sweet boy playing in the courtyard. His wife narrated to him the entire story. The Brahmin thought otherwise and could not believe her words. He felt that his wife was one of a bad character and had given birth to an illegitimate son. One day the Brahmin went to the well to fetch water and took the boy along with him. He then pushed the boy into the well and returned home. When his wife inquired about the boy he kept mum. Suddenly the boy appeared at the door and the Brahmin was astonished to see him.
    That very night , Lord Hanuman came in his dreams and set aside all his doubts. The Brahmin felt very guilty and apologised. Thereafter both made it a routine to observe fast on Tuesday.
    It is believed that those who worship Lord Hanuman, narrate this story to others and observe fast on Tuesdays - Lord Hanuman will destroy all the evils and help them to lead a happy life.


  2. Note :
  3. * This fast is kept for obtaining lasting happiness, improving blood circulation, gain respect and status and if one desires a son. This fast destroys all evils associated with mangala graha
    * The food cooked with wheat and jaggery (gur) alone should be consumed only once during the whole day
    * The fast should be kept for 21 weeks
    * The flowers used for puja should be red flowers only.

  4. Story related to this vrat:

  5. Once there was a very benevolent god fearing King who was known for his generosity , no one ever returned empty handed from his court. He used to worship and perform vrat on Thursdays. His wife however, was just his opposite and used to resent his giving donations and performing pujas and vrats.
  6. Once the King left for the forests for hunting leaving behind his Queen with her maids.
  7. Lord Vishnu, in disguise of a Monk (Sadhu) approached the queen and asked for alms( donation , bhiksha). The Queen , true to her character told Him that she was fed up of all the wealth she possessed as this was not giving her happiness, and wished that the wealth be taken away from her. The Lord was surprised because it is believed that children and money bring happiness and everyone aspires to have them. He advised her that if she possessed surplus wealth , she should utilize it to feed the poor, donate to Brahmins, construct wells and Dharamshalas( resting places for monks and devoted people), develop gardens etc. However the Queen would have none of it and was adamant that her wish be fulfilled. The Monk finally told her that Lord would fulfill her desires -- to make her wish come true, she should cover the house with cowdung, wash her hair, ask the King to shave, eat and drink etc. for seven Thursdays.
    The Queen followed his instructions and after three Thursdays only all her wealth was finished and she was left to lead a life of penury, hunger and misery. The King too decided to leave the town in search for some work. He took up the job of a woodcutter and could barely manage two meals.
    In dire straits, the maids advised the Queen to approach her wealthy sister for help. A maid was sent to the sister but she could not meet her as she was busy listening to the story of Thursday vrat . The sister did not want to get interrupted and therefore did not acknowledge her presence. However she visited the Queen later and seeing her condition advised her to perform the Thursday vrat and worship the Lord .
    When Thursday came, the Queen somehow managed to arrange for the puja and offerings and prayed to Lord Vishnu. This went on for some weeks and finally the God bestowed all her wealth once again. Having fulfilled her desires for wealth, the Queen started to feel lazy in performing vrats on Thursdays but her maids cautioned her that she should not forget that the Lord was gracious in returning her wealth and she should ever remain grateful to Him.
    The Queen realised her mistake and made it a ritual to perform vrats on Thursadays.


  2. Note:
  3. * Fasting is done till evening
    * One can take meals only once at night
    * We worship Lord Shiva and Parvati

    Story related to this vrat:
  4. Once there was a rich trader who was a god fearing devoted man, inspite of having all luxuries he used to remain depressed as he had no son. He used to pray to Lord Shiva and Parvati every Monday and fasted on these days with the hope that God would bless him one day.
    Seeing his devotion , Parvati inquired with Shiva why he had not blessed his disciple with a son. Shiva replied that this world is a Karmabhoomi - sow shall you reap. Just like the farmer gets his crop depending on the seeds he has sown, the trader too would get what he deserved. On repeated requests of goddess Parvati he relented and agreed to bless the trader with a son, but cautioned that the boy would live for 12 years only.
    The trader was listening to the conversation, he was neither happy nor sad and continued with his routine worship of God. After sometime his wife gave birth to boy. Everyone was happy except the trader for he knew what lay in store for the child. He hid the truth from everyone. The child grew up and when he was 11 years old his mother wanted to initiate his marriage proceedings, but the trader refused. Instead he sent the boy to Kashi with the boys maternal uncle and a large sum of money to regularly perform yagya and worships God.
    On the way, a King's daughter was getting married. The bridegroom could see from only one eye and the boys parents had hidden this fact from the King. When they saw the good looking boy, the bridegrooms father thought that if he could let this boy conduct the marriage ceremonies instead of his own son, no one would know about the defect in his eye. The trader's son and his uncle agreed to this proposal . Once the marriage was over while leaving he quietly wrote on the bride's clothes that it was he who was the real husband and the one left behind in the palace was having a defective eye.
    When the bride came to know about the facts she refused to go with the other boy and the marriage party had to return back.
    Meanwhile time passed by, and the boy grew up to be 12 years old. One day when the boy was in the middle of a Yagya, he fell sick and died. Seeing this , his maternal uncle started weeping loudly. Incidentally Lord Shiva and Parvati were passing that way and recognised the trader's son. Parvati pleaded with Shiva to give him life otherwise his parents would die in grief. The trader was his disciple and Shiva agreed to revive him back to recovery.
    While returning back to his native town , the boy passed the town where he had got married to the King's daughter. He was recognised and brought to the palace, following which the King bade his daughter and the traders son farewell and gave them expensive gifts.
    Around the same time , the trader and his wife were sitting on their rooftop praying to Lord Shiva to protect their son. He vowed that if the boy did not return, they too will jump from the rooftop and die. On seeing their son hale and hearty, the trader was very pleased and they all lived a life full of prosperity.
    It is therefore believed that those who worship Lord Shiva and Parvati, keep fast on Mondays and recite this story to others - their sorrows will end and all their desires would be fulfilled