In this universe there are millions
of planets, and there exist as many universes as mustard seeds in a
mustard seed bag. There are innumerable universes coming out of the
pores of Mahavishnu’s body when He exhales; and when He inhales, they
all enter back into Him. And Mahavishnu is only a portion of Sri Krishna.
beyond this material world there is the spiritual world, full of innumerable, gigantic spiritual planets called Vaikunthas, which are all resting in the effulgence of Sri Krishna, who engages in divine pastimes in Goloka Vrindavana, the supreme and eternal home with transcendental delights.
beyond this material world there is the spiritual world, full of innumerable, gigantic spiritual planets called Vaikunthas, which are all resting in the effulgence of Sri Krishna, who engages in divine pastimes in Goloka Vrindavana, the supreme and eternal home with transcendental delights.
The supreme abode of the Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is described in the Brahma-samhita as cintamani-dhama,
a place where all desires are fulfilled. The supreme abode of Lord
Krishna, known as Goloka Vrndavana, is full of palaces made of
touchstone. There are also trees, called "desire trees," that supply any
type of eatable upon demand, and there are cows, known as surabhi
cows, which supply a limitless supply of milk. In this abode, the Lord
is served by hundreds of thousands of goddesses of fortune (Lakshmis),
and He is called Govinda, the primal Lord and the cause of all causes.
Vedic literatures (Katha Upanisad
1.3.11) state that there is nothing superior to the abode of the
Supreme Godhead, and that that abode is the ultimate destination (purushan na param kincit sa kastha parama gatih).
When one attains to it, he never returns to the material world.
Krishna's supreme abode and Krishna Himself are nondifferent, being of
the same quality. This Supreme abode of Lord Krishna, is shaped like the
whorl of a lotus flower. Even when the Lord descends to any one of the
mundane planets, He does so by manifesting His own abode as it is. On
this earth, Vrndavana, ninety miles southeast of Delhi, is a replica of
that supreme Goloka Vrindavana located in the spiritual sky. When
Krishna descended on this earth, He sported on that particular tract of
land known as Vrindavana, comprising about eighty-four square miles in
the district of Mathura, India.
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