March 23, 2014

Gopis loved Krishna

  It is a lila performed by Krishna to prove ultimate bhakti, surrender to reach the highest form.
Rasa Lila was a sport (Kreeda) which was meant to build up the faith, to strengthen spirituality towards holiness, to improve the minds of the Gopis in particular and humanity in general.
Rasa Lila is divine sport (Kreeda) with the devotees for bringing about their union with the Lord through Prema or pure divine love. Rasa is the sweetest juice of Prema. It is the manifestation of divine love or higher emotion which takes the devotee to the magnanimous height of holy communion with the Lord.
Krishna 's. stealing the clothes of Gopis is an act
which leads to absolute self-surrender on the part of gopis and absorption in the Lord. It is to put down the pride & .egoism.
Krishna asks the gopis to lift their hands above their heads and beg for their clothes. which they do without any hesitation.

The Gopis were the greatest devotees of the Lord. They had reached the zenith of devotion by worshipping Him through Madhurya Bhava, the highest culmination of Bhakti;.
the love of Gopis towards Krishna was of a divine nature. They had Ananya Bhakti and they were free from all lower and base desires for sexual enjoyment

The whole Rasa Lila is pervaded by only pure divine love, or culmination of Bhakti. It is a sacred Yajna

Krishna is an incarnation of God. Gopis loved Krishna but still had the sense of attachment to their own body. Krishna wanted their love but not in the physical sense. The sense of modesty comes from attachment to the body and not realizing that we are the soul or spirit. If only we knew that we and everyone else are soul or spirit - we would see others and ourselves in a purer sense without the hypocricy of appearance, clothes etc.
So, to help them get rid of this he stole the clothes to help the Gopis realize this. What would be unknown to God? So why have modesty or shame or ego in front of God. He knows all our faults and virtues! If we have ego or modesty, then it surely means we do not see or understand God as he really is - omnipresent!

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