e first principle in devotional
service is to chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra (maha means “great”;
mantra meansTh “sound that liberates the mind from ignorance”).
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna KirtanHare Krishna Kirtan - slow
Hare Krishna Japa
You can chant these holy names of the Lord anywhere and at any time, but it is best to set a specific time of the day to regularly chant. Early morning hours are ideal.
The chanting can be done in two ways:
singing the mantra, called kirtana (usually done in a group), and saying
the mantra to oneself, called japa (which literally means “to speak
softly”). Concentrate on hearing the sound of the holy names. As you
chant, pronounce the names clearly and distinctly, addressing Krishna in
a prayerful mood. When your mind wanders, bring it back to the sound of
the Lord’s names. Chanting is a prayer to Krishna that means “O energy
of the Lord [Hare], O all-attractive Lord [Krishna], O Supreme Enjoyer
[Rama], please engage me in Your service.” The more attentively and
sin¬cerely you chant these names of God, the more spiritual progress you
will make.
Since God is all-powerful and
all-merciful, He has kindly made it very easy for us to chant His names,
and He has also invested all His powers in them. Therefore the names of
God and God Himself are identical. This means that when we chant the
holy names of Krishna and Rama we are directly associat¬ing with God and
being purified. Therefore we should always try to chant with devotion
and reverence. The Vedic litera¬ture states that Lord Krishna is
personally dancing on your tongue when you chant His holy name.
When you chant alone, it is best to
chant on japa beads (available at the ISKCON temple). This not only
helps you fix your attention on the holy name, but it also helps you
count the number of times you chant the mantra daily. Each strand of
japa beads contains 108 small beads and one large bead, the head bead.
Begin on a bead next to the head bead and gently roll it between the
thumb and middle finger of your right hand as you chant the full Hare
Krishna mantra. Then move to the next bead and repeat the process. In
this way, chant on each of the 108 beads until you reach the head bead
again. This is one round of japa. Then, without chanting on the head
bead, reverse the beads and start your second round on the last bead you
chanted on.
Initiated devotees vow before the
spiritual master to chant at least sixteen rounds of the Hare Krishna
mantra daily. But even if you can chant only one round a day, the
principle is that once you commit yourself to chanting that round, you
should try and complete it every day without fail. When you feel you can
chant more, increase the minimum number of rounds you chant each
day—but don’t fall below that number. You can chant more than your fixed
number, but you should maintain a set minimum each day. (Please note
that the beads are sacred and therefore should never touch the ground or
be put in an unclean place. To keep your beads clean, it’s best to
carry them in a special bead bag, also available at our temple.)
Aside from chanting japa, you can also
sing the Lord’s holy names in kirtana. While you can perform kirtana
individually, it is generally performed with others. A melodious kirtana
with family or friends is sure to enliven everyone. ISKCON devotees use
traditional melodies and instruments, especially in the temple, but you
can chant to any melody and use any musical instruments to accompany
your chanting. As Lord Chaitanya said, “There are no hard and fast rules
for chanting Hare Krishna.”
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